Pastor Lisa releases her new book "The Scandal of Identity Theft"  

She is also the author of "Issues of the Heart",  "Created on Purpose for Purpose" and "Words, They become you".

These books are available on and also at Heavenly Grace Ministries. For more information you can call 718-529-1007

Books are also available in Trinidad & Tobago at Amral's Travel Offices: 665-3383 and in Guyana at Travelspan Offices: 227-1701

The Scandal of Identity Theft

IdentityYou were created in God’s image and likeness and placed on this earth for a great purpose.

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.” Genesis 1:26(MSG)

In a world where life is moving at warp speed, and the culture is ever changing it is easy to get lost and confused about who you are. From the inception of time, the enemy of our soul has sought to steal our identities.

Every day millions of dollars are spent on protecting our identities from theft, but little emphasis is placed on our spiritual identities. An enemy lurks in the background of our lives just like he did in the Garden of Eden when he stole Adam and Eve’s identities. But, God always had a plan to help us reclaim our identities.

From her own experience in reclaiming her true identity, author Lisa Singh has outlined the steps to take to reclaim your identity. This guide will instruct you on the path to genuine change, and this change begins in your mind. She leads you on a journey of transformation which takes place in the “secret place.”  Once you reclaim your identity, you can fulfill your purpose and make a difference in the world around you.

Issues of the Heart

Issues of the Heart

Do you know that every day your actions are flowing out from deep within your heart? Every choice, every decision, every juncture, and every cross road depends on what is stirring in your heart. God has given you a new heart, and He desires you protect and guard it because of the issues of life flowing from your heart!

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 NIV

In life, everyone struggles daily with Issues of the heart - past hurts, un-forgiveness, disappointments, broken dreams, and even failure. But God has given you a new heart which allows you to let go of the past and take hold of a better future. Learning to let go of these unresolved issues in your heart will help your growth with the Lord and can actually propel you to become all that God has called you to be.

To purchase your copy click here

Created on Purpose for Purpose

Created on Purpose for Purpose


You were created for purpose...God's purpose...uniquely gifted and designed to fulfill His purposes in your life.

Everyone has a sense that they were born for a purpose. But there is something more than just a purpose. The God purpose was designed specifically for you, and it's your responsibility to live out God's plan for you, becoming His masterpiece.

From her own experience in discovering her God purpose, author Pastor Lisa Singh has outlined the steps to take to discover your God purpose. This easy-to-read guide will instruct you to explore why God designed a special purpose for you and how you can come to understand it. Once you know your place in the world, you can begin to live your purpose and thereby bless not only yourself, but the world you live in.

To purchase your copy click here


Words They Become You!

Words They Become You!

You've been given a will YOU choose?

"Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit-you choose." Proverbs 18:21 MSG

We want control over our seemingly out of control lives, but we fail to realize we have more control than we's what we think and what we say that makes all the difference. Our words can be filled with hate or love, bitterness or blessing, complaining or compliments, victory or, what words are you speaking into your life?

Author, Pastor Lisa Singh, brings a powerful life changing message through WORDS. You'll discover the supernatural power that's unleashed in learning to say what God's told you to say and you'll find that by changing your words, you'll change your life...but it's YOUR choice.

To purchase you copy click here